My works (and much more)
Below you'll find a list of some of my serious works, alongside some (probably) important links that belong here.
- TrackGen (repo) — A fork of the original TrackGen, which allows you to generate Wikipedia-like tropical cyclone tracks.
- HypoTrack (repo) — Just like TrackGen above, except you can actually plot your tracks on a map! Neato.
- Wayback Machine Downloader — A fork of the application of same name (here). It lets you download websites from the Wayback Archive.
- ImageOnMap — An updated version of the Minecraft mod of same name (with 1.21 support!).
- Book Cover Generator (repo) — A fork of an application that generated Penguin Classics and Oxford World's Classics book covers, although slightly updated.
- Weezersort (repo) — A fork of a fork of the original Weezer Sorter, which you might've stumbled upon one day.
- Kaleido/Test Drive (repo) — A WIP, based off the late IE Test Drive, intended to test how different pages behave in different browsers/devices.
- Nermal (repo) — Weird attempt to make a map viewer. It works, though.
- Cyclone Simulator (repo) — This is another fork, this time of my friend Monsoonjr99's original cyclone-sim (a cyclone simulator!), with the goal to be (slightly) more performant than the original. May be outdated at time of viewing.
- PFM — PassionFruitMaster, a weird bot I once made. He has some nice commands though, which some of you may like.
- Twitter spambots list — Per title. A list of Twitter spam bots I've compiled since 2023 for you to export. I'm not sure why it grew so large — over 1000 accounts and still growing — but hopefully I will be able to check in the future whether the accounts listed here are still valid (i.e. active) or not.
- GitHub Experiments — Honestly more boring than you might expect. I include some of my Python code here, including some random games I made for fun and other unrelated stuff. There's also a stylesheet I made for NationStates, still one of my favorite sites on the web.
- Brazil (2018) — A millennia ago, I made a scenario for the 2018 Brazilian presidential election on a game called President Infinity. Game limitations prevented me from adding the first round, but if you look at the game files, you'll actually find images for all the first round candidates! I thought of adding them as surrogates, but only some were added by the time I finished the scenario.
- Recanto do Papel — This site's precursor, in Portuguese. You'll find some cool stuff there, maybe, though it's been quiet for a while.
This is still a work in progress. I might finish this someday. Maybe.